pharmacology Infrastructure & Laboratories

Infrastructure & Laboratories

Lab Details :

Sr.No Title Details
1 Lab Area 85 Sq.Mts
2 Sr. Lab. Technician Mr. R. D. Matiwade
3 Lab. Technician Mr. S. J. Ambi
4 Lab. Attender Mr. Shankar R. Patil
5 Lab. Attender Mr. H. N. Khot

Equipment Details : Major equipments

Sr.No Name Minimum required Nos. Available Nos. Working
1 Microscopes 15 37 Yes
2 Haemocytometer with Micropipettes 20 34 Yes
3 Sahli’s haemocytometer 20 34 Yes
4 Hutchinson’s spirometer 01 01 Yes
5 Spygmomanometer 05 20 Yes
6 Stethoscope 05 20 Yes
7 Permanent Slides for various tissues 00 20 Yes
8 Models for various organs 00 01 Yes
9 Specimen for various organs and systems 00 01 Yes
10 Skeleton and bones 00 01 Yes
11 Different Contraceptive Devices and Models 00 01 Yes
12 Muscle electrodes 01 01 Yes
13 Lucas moist chamber 01 00 Yes
14 Myographic lever 01 01 Yes
15 Stimulator 01 01 Yes
16 Centrifuge 01 03 Yes
17 Electronic Balance 01 01 Yes
18 Physical /Chemical Balance 01 08 Yes
19 Sherrington’s Kymograph Machine / Polyrite 10 16 Yes
20 Sherrington Drum 10 16 Yes
21 Perspex bath assembly (single unit) 10 10 Yes
22 Aerators 10 10 Yes
23 Computer with LCD 01 01 Yes
24 Software packages for experiment 01 01 Yes
25 Standard graphs of various drugs 00 01 Yes
26 Actophotometer 01 01 Yes
27 Rotarod 01 01 Yes
28 Pole climbing apparatus 01 01 Yes
29 Analgesiometer (Eddy’s hot plate and radiant heat methods) 01 01 Yes
30 Convulsiometer 01 01 Yes
31 Plethysmograph 01 01 Yes
32 Digital pH meter 01 01 Yes

NOTE: Adequate number of glassware commonly used in the laboratory should be provided in each laboratory and department.


Sr.No Name Minimum required Nos. Available Nos. Working
1 Folin-Wu tubes 60 60 Yes
2 Dissection Tray and Boards 10 20 Yes
3 Haemostatic artery forceps 10 10 Yes
4 Hypodermic syringes and needles of size 15,24,26G 10 10 Yes
5 Levers, cannulae 20 25 Yes