
Library Details


The library has around 3000 volumes of books covering pharmacy and other related science disciplines. The library subscribe to over 25 periodicals of national and international recognition, which helps the staff and students to be in touch with recent advances and development in pharmacy and science disciplines.

The students are provided open access to the books, which gives ample freedom to pour into the books for knowledge. The timings of the library are 10.00 AM to 10.00 PM on working days and 10.00 AM to 5.00 PM on sundays and holidays.

Total Area of Liabrary : 185 Sq.Mts

Library Professional Staff : Ms. Lata Ghaste, Librarian

Library Books and Periodicals

SI.No Item Titles(No) Minimum Volums(No) Available
Title No.
01 Number Of Books 150 1500 adequate coverage of a large number of standard text books and titles in all disciplines of pharmacy 1098 7196
02 Annual Addition of Books - 150 books per year 15 80
03 Periodicals Hard Copies/Online - 10 National 05 International periodicals 17 17
04 CDS - Adequate Nos 15 25
05 Internet Browsing Facilities - Yes/No (Minimum ten Computers) Available -
06 Reprographic Facilities: PhotoCop ier Fax Sca nner - 01
Available -
07 Library Automation and Computrized System Available
08 Library timings 9 am - 6 pm

Subject wise Classification

SI. No. Subject Available Titles Available Numbers
01 Pharmaceutics 1 148 994
02 Pharmaceutical Chemistry 1 123 1101
03 Pharmacognosy 64 578
04 Biochemistry and Clinical Pathology 35 319
05 Human Anatomy and Physiology 25 226
06 Health Education and Community Pharmacy 10 99
07 Pharmaceutics II 38 176
08 Pharmaceutical Chemistry II 45 224
09 Pharmacology and Toxicology 30 207
10 Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence 17 182
11 Drug Store and Business Management 16 147
12 Hospital and Clinical Pharmacy 24 140